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Who Am I?

I am Jean Valjean! Now that I've gotten the Les Mis reference out of the way, in all seriousness I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Heather Danielle Ashley.




I am a 25 year old woman who suffers from major chronic illness and pain daily. It is unbearable at times and yet I am forced to bear it because I have no other choice. While my illness is a big part of my life, it is not who I am. I am a funny, weird, smart woman who loves all things science fiction and fantasy. I am a woman who loves animals and wants to adopt every one I see. I am a woman who can laugh and have fun despite being in excruciating pain. I am not my illness.


In addition to the above I am also a writer; a poet to be more specific. I have published a book of poetry called The Bright Side of Dark that focuses on what it was like for me to grow up having severe and debilitating pain/symptoms and having no one (read: doctors) believe me. I hope to bring awareness about invisible illness through my poetry; in particular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Chiari 1 Malformation.

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