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Monday Musings: "Of Larks and Foxes"

"Of Larks and Foxes" was inspired by a particular summer in my little hometown where there were quite a few reports of foxes wandering further away from the wilderness and entering our quiet and peaceful village. These denizens of the wilderness were causing many different emotions in the townspeople, I myself found the whole thing to be quite humorous and I loved having something new happen in our town that is often stale. I love my hometown, I love the people, they are all like one huge family to me, but often our town feels stagnant from my perspective, so foxes in town were quite welcome. I will admit I didn't have to encounter them face to face and I obviously wouldn't want them coming in to town and causing anyone harm.

This happened a few years ago and it prompted me to write a poem. The poem I wrote is not about the event itself, instead I use the foxes as a metaphor for life and fate, for the things you can not change. I use larks as a metaphor for the innocence and ignorance within my own being. With this poem I am stating that I am a fool for thinking I could ever change my fate, the fate of living with a chronic illness. I am also saying that life and fate leave me as a lone lark in the world, they have eaten up everyone else but they leave me alive to relive the same stagnant day over and over again.

This poem is one of futility and realization. It is a statement on how I know that it is useless to go up against life, that a lone lark can never win against the mass of foxes, and yet life refuses to kill me, so I am left alone in a sad and melancholy state while life happens all around me. Although I try to fly away, I am inevitably a "lone lark interminably singing a one note tune."

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