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Week 6: Losing Weight and Slimming Down

I am trying really hard to lose weight and get healthier, I have been continually excercising these past few weeks. For a few days now I have been in way too much pain to do anything. All my joints hurt really badly, so I am not able to excercise and it is upsetting me because I have been trying so hard. I am not going to let this setback stop me, but it is so frustrating. I haven't yeilded much fruit from the exercise I have been doing anyway. I was eating better, but within the past week or so I have been slipping, I am going to get on top of that.

I know that this pain will pass, I never know how long it is going to last. For all I know I could be out of comission for weeks, but I hope that isn't the case. The worst part is I don't know why I am in such pain, I mean of course it is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but what brought on this episode? It could be the weather, that is what I am blaming anyway.

So anyway there is my update for the past few weeks, short and sweet. I will conquer this pain and get back to work eventually. I will keep you gradually posted on what my progress has been.

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